Thursday, October 1, 2015

Breaking My Addiction - Diet Soda Sucks!!!!

It seriously sucks….the life right out of us!  I say that as I’m sitting here watching people mindlessly consume enough of the stuff to create can pyramids or possibly fund their children’s education with the returnable can credit.  The companies that make this stuff are experts in the art of branding.  Not only is the sweet taste a draw but these cans and bottles are fun and very cool to look at!  After all, we can find our names on some of them!  All colorful and enticing! But, instead I’ll take another swig of my green smoothie (which is actually super tasty) and keep typing about how diet soda sucks even though I want one, right now!

The truth is that I’m on week three of no diet soda and I’m starting to forget that I really loved it.  The cravings have diminished and it is just a fleeting thought at this point.  I tried quitting some time ago but failed.  Not epically but I did fall off the wagon a few times.  I have been attempting to wean off from it for a while because I believe it is possibly one of the biggest health sabotagers out there and we consume it by the gallons here in the United States.  I find that if I drink one diet soda, I’m probably going to add a few more before the day is over.  It’s so weird! It’s like a bag of potato chips. I cannot drink just one.  If I get a fountain pop, I’ll only get one in a day or maybe a week but it is the 64 oz. big daddy.  I cringe at the thought of how many individual sodas are actually in that one 64 oz. cup.  And for those of us that keep diet soda in the fridge, there are a lot of kids out there drinking this stuff because it’s there and available.  They don’t even give it a second thought.  Grab and go!  I’m thinking this is a really bad idea!!!!!  Actually, I believe all soda is bad for you but diet is the worst.  My son has not had a soda in five years.  He is 18 so he has gone the majority of his teenager’s years soda-free all because his football coach told him in 8th grade it was bad and they should not drink it.  So he hasn’t.  Wish I was smarter than an 8th grader!!!!

There is mountains of research being done about diet soda and it appears to be a very controversial subject with organizations stepping up to the plate and stating what they believe to be true while others, some very reputable, that do not want to touch the subject with a ten foot pole until there is hard and fast scientific evidence that it is detrimental to our health.  This means it is up to each of us to make our own decisions as to if we should drink or not drink.  I am going out on a limb here and giving you my full personal opinion and some opinions of sources listed below.  You can make your own decision on whether you choose to partake or not.  So let’s take a look at what is be discussed as potential hazards. 

First and foremost, you are swallowing a beverage that contains absolutely no nutritional value BUT may contain sucralose (600 times sweeter than sugar), acesulfame K (up to 200 times sweeter than sugar and may cause tumors and brain damage) or aspartame(200 times sweeter than sugar), caffeine, phosphoric acid (enamel destroying and calcium depleting), preservatives and artificial colorings such as potassium benzoate (mold prevention for longer shelf life), and up to nine artificial colors (caramel color is a carcinogen).   

Research indicates diet soda:

Dehydrates Us –

Soda has caffeine which is a diuretic.  Diet soda contains sodium which makes us thirsty.  So we are drinking a nutritionally void beverage that dehydrates us and makes us thirstier than we were before drinking anything at all.  Have you noticed this?  I have! I’m so thirsty after drinking a diet pop!

Dental Health –

Here is something CRAZY???? reported that according to a study published in the journal General Dentistry, the level of tooth erosion in mouths of cocaine-users, methamphetamine-users and habitual diet-soda drinkers is the same!!!! The cause is the citric acid in the soda.  It weakens and destroys enamel over time.  Now, of course we have all heard the commercials where lemon or citrus based fruits can do this too.  However we don’t tend to consume those healthy fruits in the quantities that we consume soda so the results from them are not as severe AND those fruits provide a benefit to our bodies in other ways so in moderation they are acceptable.

Migraine Headaches –

Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame alter brain chemicals, nerve signals and are thought to be a major contributor to migraine headaches.  Anecdotal evidence is showing a decrease in migraines when people stop consuming artificial sweeteners. 

Fat Storage and/or Weight Gain or Plateau

Diet soda is believed to have a negative impact on the hormone system and with wacky hormones comes extra weight gain and storage that is near impossible to lose.  I know! I’m in this cycle as I type.  It also may have an impact on the friendly gut bacteria due to the highly acidic makeup.  Another thought is that it fools the brain and gut into a hyper-sensitive sweet mode where it basically turns on the craving receptors and confuses the appetite-regulating hormone leptin after consuming one soda.  The rest of the day, we are jonesing for more sweetness.  I’m actually hungrier after drinking a diet soda than if I were to skip it and consume nothing at all.

Decreased kidney function

The National Kidney Foundation states drinking two or more diet sodas a day drops the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GLR) which is a kidney function indicator.  In women that drink diet soda, the GLR decreases three times as fast.  This same connection was not found in regular soda drinkers.  This is serious business because kidney disease is a huge problem in the U.S.  It’s bad, bad news when they start to fail.

Weakening of the bones

Phosphoric acid leaches calcium from bones and decreases bone mineral density.  Add in the caffeine that causes reduced calcium absorption and we see an increasing risk of fractures particularly in the hip. 

 Type 2 Diabetes

A University of Minnesota study indicates that drinking one soda a day was associated with a 36% increased risk of metabolic syndrome that put people at risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.  The American Diabetes Association specifically states, “Although these observational data cannot establish causality, consumption of diet soda at least daily was associated with significantly greater risks of select incident metabolic syndrome components and type 2 diabetes.”

Tipsy/Drunk Faster

Now don’t use this as an excuse to drink diet soda!!!!!  According to a study from Northern Kentucky University, participants who consumed cocktails mixed with diet drinks had a higher breath alcohol concertation that those that blended with a sugary beverage.  Researchers believe the bloodstream absorbs artificial sweetener more quickly than sugar.  And here I thought I was doing myself a favor drinking my vodka with diet.  Oops!  I believe there are some diet programs that encourage alcohol with diet soda to keep the calories down.  Yikes!!!!!

Allergic Reactions –

People can be allergic to the chemicals in diet soda.  I was told not to drink it because people react negatively to the potassium benzoate.  In fact, my allergist stated that many people are not actually allergic to the chemical but it produces an allergic reaction “sometimes” in people and other times it does not.  This has happened to me on a few occasions.  Obviously, it is a drop in my histamine bucket.  It can also cause respiratory and gastrointestinal problems.
There are all kinds of speculation out there regarding diet soda causing MS, lupus, cancer, liver damage, acting as a neurotoxin, depression, heart disease, etc.  Whether these claims are true or not, I think it is time to take notice.  So, I believe it is time for my love affair with diet soda to come to an end.  We must part ways! Travel different roads! Find new lovers for we shall no longer be together!  Goodbye diet soda! May your dirty truths be exposed and may our world becomes wiser and put down the can! 
Random Resources

8 Things That Happen When You Finally Stop Drinking Diet Soda June 5, 2015 Jordan Davidson

Study Suggests Diet Soda May Lead To Belly Fat. Critics Aren't So Sure.  March 17, 2015 Alice G. Walton 

This is what Diet Coke does to your body in just one hour August 2015 Jasper Hamill

Diet Soda Intake and Risk of Incident Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) * Jennifer A. Nettleton, PHD1, Pamela L. Lutsey, PHD2, Youfa Wang, MD, PHD3, João A. Lima, PHD4, Erin D. Michos, MD4 and David R. Jacobs, Jr., PHD2,5

Say No To That Diet Soda - National Kidney Foundation

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